27 March 19

Check your tickets Hobart: mystery winner yet to claim $23 million Oz Lotto prize

  • Tatts officials are still yet to hear the winning scream of delight from last night’s unregistered Oz Lotto winner who is more than $23.3 million richer after scoring division one.
  • The Hobart entry was one of the three division one winning entries in Oz Lotto draw 1310 on Tuesday 26 March 2019 and takes home a division one prize of $23,333,333.34.
  • The winning entry is not registered to a Tatts Card so Tatts officials have no way of contacting the winner to break the life-changing news and have to wait until the ticketholder makes contact to claim their prize.
  • The winning entry was purchased at Hobart City Lotto, Shop 2, Wellington Centre, 40-44 Argyle Street, Hobart.

By Ally Ramsamy

Updated 27 March 2019 - 11:26 am,

first published at 27 March 2019 - 12:30 pm

Tatts officials are still yet to hear the winning scream of delight from last night’s unregistered Oz Lotto winner who is more than $23.3 million richer after scoring division one.

The Hobart entry was one of the three division one winning entries in Oz Lotto draw 1310 on Tuesday 26 March 2019 and takes home a division one prize of $23,333,333.34.

The winning entry is not registered to a Tatts Card so Tatts officials have no way of contacting the winner to break the life-changing news and have to wait until the ticketholder makes contact to claim their prize.

The winning entry was purchased at Hobart City Lotto, Shop 2, Wellington Centre, 40-44 Argyle Street, Hobart.

Hobart City Lotto co-owner David Mills said he was ecstatic his outlet had sold its inaugural division one winning entry.

“We are so excited! It is our first division one winning entry we have ever sold,” he said.

“It’s such a massive prize, so we are all really excited! It’s not only great news for our outlet, but for Hobart as well.

“We are thrilled to have reached this milestone and hope this breaks the ice and that lightning strikes twice!

“We’ve had lots of customers coming in to check their tickets, hoping they’re the winner! Everyone’s been so happy and congratulating us for selling the ticket.

“We hope the winning ticketholder comes forward soon so they can really enjoy their prize! We wish them all the best for the future.

“We don’t often get wins of this magnitude so we really are so happy!

“We hope our winners get as much, or if not more, enjoyment with their prize as we have knowing we’ve sold it!”

Bronwyn Spencer, spokesperson for Tatts, said Hobart lottery players had plenty of reasons to check their TattsLotto entries today.

“There are 23 million reasons why Hobart Oz Lotto players should check their tickets today!” she exclaimed.

“Imagine walking around with this winning ticket in your wallet, in your back pocket, tucked into your purse or floating around in the bottom of your handbag.

“You may not think it’s possible that you could be the division one winner we’re searching for, but if you purchased an unregistered entry in Tuesday’s Oz Lotto draw that you haven’t checked yet, you’re in with a chance!

“We’re urging all Oz Lotto players to check their entries as soon as possible and if you discover you are holding the division one winning ticket to contact Tatts on 131 868 to begin the process of claiming your prize.”

Ms Spencer also reminded players of the importance of registering their tickets to a Tatts Card.

“It is really important that you register your entries so that all of your prizes are secure and we can contact you directly with the good news in the case of a win!” she added.

In 2018, there were 20 division one winning Oz Lotto entries across the Lott’s jurisdictions, which collectively won more than $253.7 million.

The winning numbers in Oz Lotto draw 1310 on Tuesday 26 March 2019 were 12, 28, 24, 29, 9, 18 and 25. The supplementary numbers were 13 and 31.

There were three division one winning entries in Oz Lotto draw 1310, two from Victoria and one from Tasmania.

The Lott’s division one winning tally has now reached 274 so far this financial year, including 120 won by Tatts customers.