25 October 21

Newcastle workplace’s Monday blues banished by Lotto windfall

Saturday Lotto
  • A group of Newcastle workers are sporting winning smiles today after their workplace syndicate scored division one in the weekend’s Saturday Lotto draw.
  • The 12-strong private syndicate held one of the 10 division one winning entries in Saturday Lotto draw 4201, drawn Saturday 23 October 2021. Each division one winning entry landed $621,262.72.
  • Members of the syndicate are planning to enjoy their share of the windfall in a range of ways, including renovations, holidays and new cars.
  • The group’s winning marked System 10 entry was purchased online at thelott.com – the official home of Australia’s lotteries.

By Anna Hobdell

Updated 31 March 2023 - 10:30 am,

first published at 25 October 2021 - 9:24 am

A group of Newcastle workers are sporting winning smiles today after their workplace syndicate scored division one in the weekend’s Saturday Lotto draw.

The 12-strong private syndicate held one of the 10division one winning entries in Saturday Lotto draw 4201, drawn Saturday 23 October 2021. Each division one winning entry landed $621,262.72.

In addition to winning division one, the syndicate’s System 10 entry also scored division three 24 times, division four 90 times, and division six 80 times, bolstering the total win to $642,344.62.

Each member of the syndicate receives a share worth $53,528.71.

So far this year, there have been 12 division one wins in the Hunter and Central Coast region collectively worth more than $15.13 million.

Speaking to an official from The Lott, the syndicate leader said she had been happily sharing the winning news with her colleagues.

“We’ve been playing for a number of years. We just all picked some numbers and then drew them out of a hat, and then just kept playing them,” she said.

“My colleague rang yesterday morning asking if I’d checked the Lotto results. He said, ‘We’ve won $600,000!’, and I said, ‘yeeha!’.

“This is certainly the biggest prize the syndicate has won.

“I sent everyone a text message with a screenshot, and I got a couple of, ‘are you kidding?’ and, ‘are you joking?’ replies.

“Everyone has lots of good ways to spend it. I’ll be doing a few home renovations and saving the rest.

“It’s not enough to make us resign, but enough to make our lives easier.

“There’s a lot of people who’ve got smiles on their faces today.

“It’s a fabulous way to spend a Monday and the rest of the week.”

The group’s winning marked System 10 entry was purchased online at thelott.com – the official home of Australia’s lotteries.

The winning numbers in Saturday Lotto draw 4201 on 23 October 2021 were 32, 16, 10, 9, 26 and 22, while the supplementary numbers were 38 and 17.

Across Australia, there were 10 division one winning entries in Saturday Lotto draw 4201 – four in New South Wales, three in Tasmania and one each in Victoria, South Australia and Queensland.

The Lott’s division one winning tally has now reached 376 so far this calendar year, including 114 won by NSW Lotteries customers.

In the 12 months to 30 June 2021, Saturday Lotto created 174 millionaires across Australia.

During this time, there were 341 division one winning in Saturday Lotto entries across Australia, which collectively won more than $435.21 million.