By Matthew Hart

Updated 21 March 2022 - 6:10 am,

first published at 9 March 2022 - 11:05 am

Changes are being made to Australian lottery favourite Oz Lotto that aim to deliver bigger prizes and more winners.

It’s only the second time in Oz Lotto’s 28-year history that major changes have been made to the way Australians play the jackpotting game, which is drawn every Tuesday night.

The enhanced Oz Lotto game is set to launch from draw 1474 on Tuesday 17 May 2022, subject to regulatory approval.

The key changes include:

  • The matrix for Oz Lotto will change from seven winning numbers drawn from 45 to seven winning numbers drawn from 47. An additional supplementary number will also be introduced, increasing the total supplementary numbers drawn to three.
  • The base offer for Oz Lotto will increase from $2 million to $3 million.
  • The chance of winning division one will change from 1 in 45,379,620 to 1 in 62,891,499, while the chance of winning any prize will increase from 1 in 55 to 1 in 51.
  • The price of an Oz Lotto entry will increase by 10 cents per game (plus retailer commission).

The Lott spokesperson Matt Hart said the game enhancements responded to feedback from Aussie lottery players.

“Players told us they wanted Oz Lotto to offer the potential for more winners and bigger prizes, and that’s exactly what we’ve given them,” he said.

“Oz Lotto has a history of delivering big multi-million-dollar jackpots every Tuesday, and these enhancements will allow us to continue to provide value to players.

“Oz Lotto’s base jackpot will now start at $3 million rather than $2 million, setting the stage for bigger jackpots more frequently.

“While this means that winning division one becomes more challenging, changes to the game’s matrix improve the chances of winning any prize from 1 in 55 to 1 in 51.

“Everyone needs a boost, so Oz Lotto will also offer special ‘Prize Boost’ events, increasing the prize amounts in divisions two to seven, regardless of whether or not division one is won.”

While there would be changes to Oz Lotto’s game matrix, Mr Hart said Oz Lotto’s favourite features would remain, including its seven prize divisions.

“The combination of winning numbers and supplementary numbers required to win will also remain the same,” he added.

“To win division one, players need all seven winning numbers drawn in a single game panel, while a prize can be won by matching as little as three winning numbers and one supplementary number in a single game.”